
2 Aug 2008

Mutant Cybermen in Christmas Special

Both The Sun and The Telegraph are reporting that in the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008, the Doctor will face mutated versions of the Cybermen, apparently called Cybershades. A BBC insiders says:

"Like we did with the Daleks, we've taken the original robot and made it a bit more sinister. The Cybershade is a mutant with some of the looks of the Cybermen - but it is a much darker creation. Fans always want something new. Just wheeling out Cybermen again would be tame."
Thanks to Mark from Tardis and Torchwood Treasures for the quote!

1 comment:

Conor said...

Cool post, the Cybershades sound cool, is it Christmas yet? lol
Awesome site, its soooo good.

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