To all the Whovians, Woodies and everyone else who has visited this blog. After much debate, and many umms and errs, I have decided to close down Totally Torchwood. It was not an easy decision, and was not decided half-heartedly. I just find that my school work and free time is really suffering because of all the time I spend working on this blog. I truly am sorry to anyone who has ever - and still does - visit this blog, and that no more news will be posted up. I also found that due to living in opposite time zones to the UK, the news I posted up was always half a day later than most of the other sites that posted before me. So after 337 posts (this one included) it is time to finish off.
Before I go, though, a list of many thanks.
To Dijares, who first introduced me to my love of graphic design, and let me experience news posting first hand. She has helped me out a lot with all the little things for Totally Torchwood, and was always happy to answer my questions! Dijares is the wonderful webmistress of Harry Potter's Page - a site that WB regard very highly. If you're a Harry Potter fan, visit this site! It's great, and it also has a fun and friendly forum for everyone!
To my best friend Isa, who has helped me, supported me and given me advice in the behind-the-scenes of Totally Torchwood.
To; this was the blog that inspired me to start my own Torchwood website.
And now, some worthy websites to visit:
Torchwood Fan Club of Australia! We're really trying to increase Aussie Torchwood pride! This website is the largest Aussie Torchwood website and has also has a great forum.
Tardis and Torchwood Treasures, Tardis Base and Doctor Who Hideout - I find - are very fast in posting news, thanks to their respective owners, Mark, Zobles and Axlart.
To Duan, who very generously supplied me with many links to the most obscure and yet relevant articles!
And finally to my readers. To all who have ever read a post, posted a comment, had a chat in the Cbox, voted in the poll - or just visited! Thanks!
But I'm not finished yet!
As many you do (or don't) know, I make the monthly desktop calendars for Harry Potter's Page, and I also try to post news when I can. I'll still be working at HPP, so you can look out for the occasional post or you can check back at the start of every month for a new calendar! Here's a small hint! September's calendar will feature one of the Weasley children!
That's it!
Goodbye and thanks for visiting!
8 Aug 2008
End of Days
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5 Aug 2008
Happy Birthday Paul Kasey
Today, August 5, is Paul Kasey's birthday! Paul has appeared in sixteen episodes of Doctor Who, and three episodes of Torchwood. He has numerous characters, such as a Slitheen, Anne Droid, Clockwork Man, Ood, Cyberman, Hoix, Judoon, Pig Slave, Weevil and Blowfish. Happy Birthday Paul! Please leave your birthday wishes for Kylie by commenting below or heading over to Totally Torchwood Talk!
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4 Aug 2008
David Tennant on Top Gear Tonight
For those in Australia, David Tennant will be appearing in tonight's episode of Top Gear at 7.30pm on SBS. This episode, which features David, aired in the UK December 23 last year, so it's been a long wait for us Aussies!
Click here to view the Official Top Gear Site!
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3 Aug 2008
David Tennant Photos from Hamlet
Thanks to the Daily Mail and Alastair Muir, we now have five photos from the dress rehearsal of The Royal Shakespeare Company's Hamlet, which stars David Tennant. You can view these below.
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Comic Con Interview with John and Gareth
An interview with John Barrowman (Captain Jack) and Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto) from Comic Con is now online. In the interview both discuss their character's development, working on Doctor Who and a few hints as to what to expect from Season 3. Here's what Gareth had to say on the topic:
Well, we’re going to find the team much more vulnerable then they were before. They’ve got two of the most important team members missing, so they’re weaker...Episode one, I’ve read it, and it’s just full of thrills and spills, high action and the stakes are a lot higher.Click here to read the full article!
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John Barrowman to host Andrew Lloyd Webber's Birthday Celebrations
BBC Radio 2 will be presenting a special, live musical event to celebrate Andrew Lloyd Webber's 6oth birthday, and John Barrowman will be hosting it! Thanks to Gillian from BARROWMANONLINE, you can read the summary below.
Staged in Hyde Park and presented by John Barrowman, the concertThe celebration will be staged in Hyde Park on September 14, starting at 6pm. Many people will be going, though, so make sure you queue early. Tickets cost £25.
features a host of stars from the West End, Broadway, pop and television, including Lee Mead, Joss Stone, Duncan James, Idina Menzel (Wicked), Elaine Paige, Julian Lloyd Webber, Rhydian (X-Factor), Hayley Westenra and Steve Balsamo. Also joining the party will be stars from BBC One's I'd Do Anything.
With music from Andrew Lloyd Webber's best loved shows including 'Jesus Christ Superstar', 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 'Evita', 'Cats', 'Starlight Express', 'The Beautiful Game', 'Whistle Down the Wind', 'The Phantom of the Opera' and 'Sunset Boulevard', backed by the spectacular 70 piece BBC Concert Orchestra and a 100 voice chorus, this once in a lifetime celebration will close
with an exciting firework finale!
Click here to secure your tickets!
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2 Aug 2008
Mutant Cybermen in Christmas Special
Both The Sun and The Telegraph are reporting that in the Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008, the Doctor will face mutated versions of the Cybermen, apparently called Cybershades. A BBC insiders says:
"Like we did with the Daleks, we've taken the original robot and made it a bit more sinister. The Cybershade is a mutant with some of the looks of the Cybermen - but it is a much darker creation. Fans always want something new. Just wheeling out Cybermen again would be tame."Thanks to Mark from Tardis and Torchwood Treasures for the quote!
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No Rose Tyler for Series 5
According to The Sun, Steven Moffat has revelaed that he will not be bringing back long time companion Rose Tyler, describing her as "too needy." Billie Piper reprised her role as Rose Tyler in the final three episodes of Doctor Who Season 4. Please note that this has not officially been confirmed, so for now please treat it as a rumour.
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1 Aug 2008
August Monthly Media
Yes! There is no split Monthly Media for August! I worked very hard to bring you this lot of graphics, so I hope you enjoy them. There is a Doctor Who Wallpaper, along with a set of bookmarks. I'm going to develop a system so that each month a new wave of bookmarks are available for you to collect. To download the graphics you want, click the link/s below, and it will take you to the graphic. Right-Click on the picture and choose "Save Image As". Then navigate to where you wish to save the file. You can view the Doctor Who Wallpaper and bookmark of the Doctor below.Doctor Who Wallpaper:
The Doctor
The downloads section will be updated with these additions within the next few days.
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30 Jul 2008
Comic Con Review
Elizabeth has very kindly let us post her review from the San Diego Comic Con. You can read it below.
Today, while I was at the table, Gavin told me I should email you all about my experiences and I said I would. Arrived on Wednesday with my son and daughter and picked up our badges and went through the preview night to acquaint ourselves with the layout. I decided to buy my autograph tickets for John then so would have everything ready for the next morning. Now this is my first time at CC and would never think of dressing up especially at my age 46 but something happened days before CC that changed that attitude. I was with some friends who like to visit antique and thrift shops and even though I am not much of a shopper, I did find something interesting. A thrift shop had a display with some military style coats which I briefly glanced at and hidden in the back was a blue wool great coat. I had to have it and it was a bargain at $25. I now had three days to turn it into a Captain Jack coat. My niece who is a studio costumer put on the stripes and I changed the buttons and it turned out fantastic. So here I was going to Comic Con as Captain Jack.Thanks very much to Elizabeth from BARROWMANONLINE!
First thing on Thursday I decided to go to the merchandising table where John was signing to get my picture and book signed. This was still early in the process so they were following the rules carefully like no personalization and no posed pictures with John. So it was very quick and no nervousness on my part. I think I freaked him out a little with the coat. Another reason I wore the coat was to get the attention of other group members. I only met up with one other member - Valerie. It was very nice to meet you and spend a little time with you, Valerie.
Anyway, I went to the Doctor Who panel with Julie Gardner and Steven Moffat who were fantastic. It was in a big ballroom and the place was packed. Right after was the Torchwood panel with Julie, John, Gareth and Noako. John made a terrific entrance (which you can see on YouTube) and introduced his mum and dad, Carole, Clare and Scott who were in the audience. It was a very entertaining hour which went by to fast. I spent the rest of the day going here and there to different panels. Occasionally going back to John's merchandising table trying not to look like a stalker in the coat but really seeing if I could find other online members.
On Friday (without coat) I decided to get my CD signed so went to the table to buy a ticket and was happy it wasn't crowded but also sad he wasn't drawing a big crowd. I was wearing two buttons - one stating I was a Johnette and one of John from the Paul O'Grady show (thanks Angela for screencaps). Gavin spotted them and asked where the picture was from and I told him and John looked and confirmed it was indeed from PO show and then he read other button and I told him I was part of this group and that was when Gavin said I should write about Comic Con. I must say it is very easy to chat with John because you feel like you know him so well, it is like talking to an old friend. He makes you feel comfortable. I was very happy that they were allowing photos with no flash so I did get a picture with him. I will put pictures on later when I get home. I had to run to the Spaced panel with Simon Pegg so couldn't stay very long with him but I did go back later in the day and thanked him for coming to Comic Con. I was in such a hurry that I didn't see my CD he signed until later and was excited to see that he must have read my name off my badge because it said Elizabeth Love You J Barrowman.
It was a terrific two days and I am finally coming down from all the excitement. Thanks for hearing my story.
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Doctor Who Nominated for Nick Awards
Doctor Who has been nominated for a total of four awards in the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2008! Catherine Tate has also been nominated for her lead role in The Catherine Tate Show. The nominations are:
- Favourite Family TV Show - Doctor Who
- Favourite Baddie - The Daleks
- Favourite Male TV Star - David Tennant
- Favourite Female TV Star - Catherine Tate and Freema Agyeman
- Favourite Funny Person - Catherine Tate
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29 Jul 2008
"The Sontaran Games" Cover and Synopsis
The cover and synopsis for the upcoming Doctor Who Quick Read Novel has been released. The Sontaran Games is written by Jacqueline Rayner. You can read the synopsis and view the cover below.
Every time the lights go out, someone dies...The Sontaran Games will be released September 26 at a price of £1.99.
The TARDIS lands at an academy for top athletes, all hoping to be chosen for the forthcoming Globe Games. But is one of them driven enough to resort to murder? The Doctor discovers that the students have been hushing up unexplained deaths.
Teaming up with a young swimmer called Emma, the Doctor begins to investigate – but he doesn’t expect to find a squad of Sontarans invading the academy!
As the Sontarans begin their own lethal version of the Globe Games, the Doctor and Emma must find out what’s really going on. But the Doctor is captured and forced to take part in the Sontaran Games. Can even a Time Lord survive this deadly contest?
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Videos from San Diego Comic Con
After a bit of browsing on YouTube, I have managed to find you all some videos from the San Diego Comic Con. The first video is of John Barrowman (Captain Jack) and Naoko Mori (Tosh) singing Miss Saigon. You can view this below.
Next you can see the whole Torchwood panel in six parts. These are all below (in chronological order). Please note that these don't contain spoilers as such, but a few little things are mentioned.
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27 Jul 2008
Doctor Who Prom Today
Living in Australia, and not the United Kingdom, I am going to be honest and say that I'm a bit hazy in the area of the Doctor Who Prom. So, I'm going to leave it up to the experts. Below is a summary of the Doctor Who Prom from Doctor Who Hideout!
The first Doctor Who themed Prom will begin in a few hours at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The Prom is presented by Doctor Who and Torchwood Actress, Freema Agyeman, and will run for approximately two hours, starting at Eleven o’clock in the Morning on BBC Radio Three.Many thanks Axlart!
- Murray Gold Concert Prologue (3 mins)
- Copland Fanfare for the Common Man (3 mins)
- Murray Gold All The Strange Strange Creatures (4 mins)
- Mark-Anthony Turnage The Torino Scale (UK premiere) (4 mins)
- Holst The Planets - Jupiter (8 mins)
- Murray Gold The Doctor Forever (4.30 mins)
- Murray Gold Rose (1.30 mins)
- Murray Gold Martha v The Master (4.30 mins)
- Murray Gold Music of the Spheres (including theme original) (7.30 mins)
- Wagner Die Walkure - The Ride of the Valkyries (5 mins)
- Murray Gold The Daleks & Davros (8 mins)
- Murray Gold Donna, Girl in Fireplace, Astrid (4 mins)
- Prokofiev 'Montagues and Capulets' from Romeo and Juliet (5 mins)
- Murray Gold This is Gallifrey (3.30 mins)
- Murray Gold Doctor's Theme / Song for Freedom (5.30 mins)
- Murray Gold Doomsday (5 mins)
- Murray Gold Song for Ten (4 mins)
- Murray Gold Doctor Who Theme (1.30 mins)
It will be made available on BBC iPlayer until the Third of August. A special scene for the Proms written by Russell T Davies will premiere and made available on the Official Website for a few days after. The Scene, Music of Spheres, will star David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Jimmy Vee as the returning Graske.
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Torchwood Soundtrack Cover, Track List and Trailer
We previously reported that the Torchwood Soundtrack will be released on September 22 this year. Now, Silva Screens have released a trailer for the new Torchwood soundtrack via their YouTube channel! The trailer features a 28 second snap of incidental music from the series, along with front and back covers and the track list. You can view all of this below.
1. Everything Changes
2. The Chase
3. Ghosts
4. Sleepers Awake
5. Toshiko & Tommy
6. Into the Hub
7. The Mission
8. Gray's Theme
9. Jack's Love Theme
10. Another Day, Another Death
11. Look Right Then Leave
12. Welcome to Planet Earth
13. The Plot
14. Out of Time
15. The Death of Owen Harper
16. King of the Weevils
17. Owen Fights Death
18. The Woman on the Roof
19. Owen's Theme
20. Pearl & the Ghostmaker
21. Flat Holm Island
22. A Boy Called Jonah
23. Toshiko Sato - Betrayal and Redemption
24. Gwen & Rhys
25. Jack joins Torchwood
26. Captain Jack's Theme
27. I Believe in Him
28. Memories of Gray
29. Goodbyes
30. Death of Toshiko
31. The End Is Where We Start From
32. Torchwood Theme
The Torchwood Soundtrack will be released September 22 at a price of £11.99. You can pre-order your copy at Amazon UK here or at Silva Screen's Official Website here!
Thanks to Tardis and Torchwood Treasures for the track list!
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