
2 Aug 2008

No Rose Tyler for Series 5

According to The Sun, Steven Moffat has revelaed that he will not be bringing back long time companion Rose Tyler, describing her as "too needy." Billie Piper reprised her role as Rose Tyler in the final three episodes of Doctor Who Season 4. Please note that this has not officially been confirmed, so for now please treat it as a rumour.


TallulahBelle said...

I think that's very likely true, everything I've read of Moffat has been dismissive of the continuing Saintification of Rose bloody Tyler by RTD, so I can't see her ever coming back. And after the finale of S4, I am soooooo okay with that.

PM said...

Moffat did refer to Rose as the "slightly clingy girlfriend" when asked about her at Comicon. And really, she has a "Doctor" in her universe let her stay there.

Rhi said...

I am not a fan of Rose friggin Tyler, so I am pleased she's not coming back.

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